Titan bane brew
Below is the recipe for 'Titan Bane Brew'. Note that required items (if any) must not be guild locked. Also if you are using an item - it will lose any forging/crafting levels applied to it (note that non-forged items will be used first).
Titan Bane Brew Requires Level: 1
Items Required: (1) Ornate Globe Bottle (Quest Item) (1) Ancient Battle Horn (Quest Item)
Components Required: (2) Goobernoob Drumstick (Component Rare) (2) Othnelia Leg Bones (Component Rare) (1) Crawler Shell Fragment (Component Unique) (2) Crawler Mandible (Component Unique)
Target Invention:
Skill Level Duration Lightfoot 200 120m Conserve 150 120m Defiance 175 120m Wither 150 120m