Traveling from The Dark Coast

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Revision as of 18:18, 12 May 2012 by Zagier (Talk | contribs)

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= Start
= World Area
= Area
= Portal
= Dark
            Barbas Isle (South)
Level: 924
  Barbas Isle (North)
Level: 923
  Coast of Riangi (Port)
Level: 922
            Isle of Yozahn (Shores)
Level: 925
  The Dark Sea
Level: 921
  Coast of Riangi (Outskirts)
Level: 921
            Isle of Yozahn (North)
Level: 926
            Isle of Yozahn (South)
Level: 927
            Way of the Fallen
Level: 928
  Fallen Isle (Ruins)
Level: 929
  Satero Residence
Level: 930
                  Fallen Isle (Lookout Point)
Level: 930
  Fallen Isle (Port)
Level: 930
Barnacle Bandit (Mast)
Level: 932
        Barnacle Bandit (Gunnery Deck)
Level: 931
  Barnacle Bandit (Cargo Hold)
Level: 931
Barnacle Bandit (Forecastle)
Level: 932
        Barnacle Bandit (Main Deck)
Level: 931
Barnacle Bandit (Poop Deck)
Level: 933
        Dead Dogs Island (Port)
Level: 934
  The Dark Coast
Level: 931
            Dead Dogs Island (North)
Level: 935
  Skull Cove (Cave)
Level: 939
  Skull Cove (Pit)
Level: 940
            Dead Dogs Island (Central)
Level: 936
        Xanlin Plain (Windvale)
Level: 941
            Dead Dogs Island (South)
Level: 937
  Dead Dogs Island (Town)
Level: 938
  Xanlin Plain
Level: 941