Aerial Legends

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Aerial Legends

We are a small caring guild. We will do what we have too, to support our members. We will always be a small guild with a maxium of 10members. We formed our guild over 2 freinds in different guilds. "cucubaubau" from - arena legends and "Gryffin91" from Aerial Legends. After many months even years we have been known to become the number #1 hunting guild. I got my idea of a guild like this from "The A Team." We here at Aerial Legends welcome all the Legends of the sky. Now as we grow as a guild we tend not to act like a family like we should. So we ask of you to treat each other like you would your family.

How we support our guild

Many of you may know that I do not belive you should pay for fsp's. So you ask if you don't pay how did you make this guild what it is now. We a Aerial legends welcome all to donate, but thats only part of it. We gvg for most, and hunting. I do merchant when I can, but like we said gvg most of the time. In mean time I will do point rewards.

How we came up with our name

Intresting question we came up with the name "Aerial Legends" by one day. asking random players on Fallensword what they thought of the name "Aerial Legends", and most users seemed to like so we decided lets make keep it as aerial legends. What brought the name up was Cucubaubau's guild Arena Legends. So I wanted to keep up with some of the ideas like that so Arena and Aerial sounded similar So thats how we came up with it.

What we offer as a guild.

  • Guild Item Registar
  • %25 tax rate
  • +2max members
  • +10max ranks
  • guild advisor
  • +3 max structures
  • In game leveling guide
  • items
  • skills

Guild Requirments

  • active 7days inactive with out notification will be kicked
  • bank 2-3times a week
  • treat each other like a family not a guild
  • age 13+ This is for fallensword safety of children *besides fs requirment is 13*
  • 500stam+
  • Own offline set


  • What does your guild Hope to achieve? Nothing except the respect of other guilds
  • When did you create this guild? Aug/8th/2010
  • How long do you plan on staying with the guild? Until I quit fallensword
  • How old are you? 16 born aug/1/1994
  • How did you get the fsp's to create the guild? Point rewards / farming
  • What do you play Fallensword on? Netbook. at
  • What do you think of the new pvp updates? I don't care for them, but what can you do? lol