Workers Rights (Xmas)

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You stand before a huge mill. It could easily hold hundreds of workers, but the building is empty. The workshops are empty, the looms are silent, and the fires are out. By the gates is a well-dressed man. He sees you and looks up. \'Those work-shy fools! They are going to ruin me.\'

'Look at this place! There should be hundreds of people working here. We should be making miles of cloth. It's the festive season, we always sell the most at this time! I knew it was a mistake to allow the workers to form a Syndicate. 'It'll make us work better� they said. �All the other mills have Syndicates� they said. Now they are demanding more pay and less hours. Ridiculous! They'll ruin us!'

The Overseer takes a step closer to you, and lowers the tone of his voice. 'If you could break their strike, then I would be very grateful. What do you say? Think of all those people that are relying on me to clothe them in the latest styles. Or all the people that need this work to live. If say, 50 Strikers suddenly stopped striking, then the rest of the workers would surely come back.' The mill is still closed, and the Overseer is looking more fraught than ever. His suit is creased and dishevelled, and his hair is in disarray. \'You better be bringing me good news.\'

'I knew I could count on you. Lots of the workers have returned, but the Syndicate is still very strong. They are tightening their grip. I think they want to take my mill from me! I will not allow that! This was my father's mill, and his father's before that!'

The Overseer takes a minute or two to regain his composure. When he calms down, he straightens his suit and turns to face you again. 'The Lieutenants have the greatest power in the Syndicate. They are the keystones of the organisation. If 12 Syndicate Lieutenants were to disappear at once then the others would too. Do I make myself clear?' You see the smoke coming from the chimneys and the faint sound of the looms running. The gates are open and the Overseer is almost smiling. \'The bearer of good news is back again. What do you have for me this time?\'

'Really? That explains why so many have come back now. Crawling back to their jobs while they still have them. There's only one thing between us now. The Syndicate is a wounded beast now, it's likely to do anything to save itself. For the good of all of us we need to remove the head. End this once and for all and you will be rewarded.'

The Overseer turns to face his mill. A thin smile spreads across his face. 'Do you hear that? That is the sound of progress. That is the sound of people unafraid of being pushed around. Most importantly, that is the sound of money!' He walks back to the mill, leaving you alone. You are met at the gates by two large men. Each are well armored and armed. The shorter one addresses you. \'Have you sorted out that problem for the Boss?\'

'Good. Follow me.' the Guard snorts. He leads you to the Overseers office. As you enter, the first thing you notice is the overwhelming feeling of power emanating from the Overseer. He stands with his back to you, looking down at all the workers. 'I have you to thank for this. The mill is running and the Syndicate has been crushed. As a token of my appreciation I want you to have this. You've earned it.' He nods to one of the guards. They step forward and gives you a Festive Robe.

The Overseer turns back to look down at the workers and you take this as a sign to leave. As you make your way out, you overhear the Overseer mentioning 'enforced overtime', and 'reduced pay until things sort themselves out'. Maybe the Syndicate had the right idea... You receive 'Festive Robe' and 2,495,432 XP.