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489 Castle Morbidstein (South Tower Upper) (9,7) [none]



  1. Obtain Chunk of Brain
  2. Return to Start
  3. Go to Castle Morbidstein (North Tower Lower) (9,7)
  4. Obtain Morbidstein Basement Key
  5. Return to Castle Morbidstein (North Tower Lower) (9,7)


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A battered Lobotomized Worker tries to repair his Pick Axe with brainless patience.

The Worker stops trying to tie his shoelace around the broken Pick Axe, 'I have to gather brains for The Doctor. There are whole Creatures made of brains, but they broke my Pick. Could you maybe could get a Chunk of Brain. It will help me loads.'

The Lobotomized Worker is still trying to fix his Pick Axe with his shoelace, \'Did you manage to get a Chunk of Brain?\'

He looks at the Chunk of Brain for a while, then takes it. 'You have helped me loads. I could use your help some more. We can meet up at the North Tower (Lower), we can talk again.

The Lobotomized Worker waits for you with endless patience

The Worker looks at you for a moment, 'Ah, yes I have to give the Chunk of Brain to The Doctor. But I don't have the Key to the Basement. The Sons of Morbidstein has a key but they refuse to give it to me. Can you get me the Morbidstein Basement Key? It would help me loads.'

The Lobotomized Worker waits for you with his broken Pick Axe. \'Have you managed to get the Morbidstein Basement Key?\'

The Worker looks at you for a moment, 'Ah, yes I have to give the Chunk of Brain to The Doctor. Thank you for the Basement Key. You can come into the Basement if you like. Though The Doctor might not want to see you. It's your choice.' He then hands you the broken Pick Axe head, 'You can have this for your trouble. It's Pointy Sharp.' You receive 862,598 Xp + 1 x Pointy Sharp