Defending the Trade

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864 Outlore Flats (Dunes) (2, 15) [none]



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You encounter a trader. He seems very agitated. The trader spots your approach. 'Those Crimson Headed Stork are a constant pain! They're always attacking my cart full of wares for the food! Perhaps you could help me with my problem, and in return I can offer you some of my wares?'

'If you can drive off those Crimson Headed Stork, I'll provide you with whatever you need.' You explain you're looking for some strong string needed for making the wings. 'Then you shall get the best string I have!'

You arrive back at the trader. 'Well, did you manage to drive off those creatures?'

'Excellent! Here, take this piece of string. It is woven from some of the strongest fibers I've managed to attain.' The trader hands you a ball of very strong looking string.

You gain 3,579,035 XP and 'Strong String'.