User:Officer/FSP profit guide
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FSP profit guide
Daily Basis
Pray to Osverin to get 20 FSPs for free, Lindrasil
, or Gurgriss
to get valuable sets (Epic, Legendary, Super Elite, or Crystalline only) if you're lucky. If you pray to Sahria
to get 2m, you'll be most likely to become a target to PvP attacks; unless you purchase FSPs from the market place either by requests (possible risk) or listings.
For the request listings part, the price range has raised to 115k.
If you have excess golds, but cannot afford to buy an FSP from market place, you can go to "FSP Draw" and buy as many tickets as you like. It takes luck to win one.
Note: If you don't have these following buffs, that's okay. Either buy a potion or have a friend to buff you.
Legendary Events
Recommended buff: Find Item, Four Leaf, and Ignite (Optional)
Go to the area where you'll find Legendary creatures that you can kill all by yourself, not by groups. Grab as many Legendary sets as you can, head to the Auction House to sell them for few FSPs, unless you want to help out your guild mates, you can store it in the guild store and add tags to it. With Four Leaf; if you're lucky enough, you'll find a legendary set discovered "Perfect."
Super Elites
Recommended buff: Find Item, Super Elite Slayer, Ignite, and Four Leaf
Always check the stats before you attack. Super Elite creatures are VERY RARE and hard to find, but if you're lucky enough to find one; buff yourself a Find item (Or use a potion that gives you more Find item buff level), then either commence a group attack or attack it if you got guts to do it. It takes luck to get the Super Elite set, but once you obtained it; head to the Auction House and sell them for few FSPs.
Potion Crafting/Inventing
Recommended buffs: Inventor, Extractor, and Inventor II
Note: These buffs are available for Level 400+ and Level 500+ only, unless you have a potion or a friend to buff you.
From my experience in potion crafting and FSP drive, all you need is a recipe. Either obtain it from creature drops or buy it from the auction house. Never use FSP to purchase any recipe and components.
Step 1: Use the recipe.
Once it's in your inventory; use it to add it to the known recipe lists.
Step 2: Gathering the required components
Go to Actions -> Inventing -> Any recipe you wish to make
Now, the lazy part. After you've finished your training; it's time to use your earned golds from creature drops. Some resources can be easily extracted, some are not. Go to the Auction house and click "Search preferences." If you have a minimum level set, erase it. Check "Hide FSP auction," then go back to the Auction house, and use the search engine to find some components you're required to extract. Click "Buy now" to show which is the cheapest to buy.
Step 3: Extraction process
Once you've got the required resource in your inventory; click the plant to extract. If you have every required components in your component inventory, it's time to move on to the inventing process.
Step 4: Inventing process
Now, grab the required potion bottle you need to invent a potion from the auction house, it counts as a quest item. Once again; go to Actions -> Inventing -> Recipe you wish to make, scroll down and hit "Invent." If successful, you'll have your completed potion in your mailbox; if not, then go find something to ease your frustration and do it again.
Step 5: Time to sell
Head to the auction house to sell the potion for few FSPs. Make sure it's a good price to increase the chance, add a buy now price if you wish to obtain FSP quicker.
Hope this helps.