Playerbox Miiok|
player name: Miiok(Prince Rei Miiok)
player age: 16
player country: USA
player sex:Male|
player joined:14/Jul/2008
player guild:Eternal Legends
player auction }} Personal Stuff-
Birthday: June 8th
Favorite Band: Metallica,Muse,DragonForce
Favorite Song: Valley of the Damned by DragonForce
Favorite Shows: Most anime, MTV, and WWE
Favorite Game(s): Breath of Fire, Grand Theft Auto
I am the stone that the builder refused I am the visual, the inspiration, that made lady sing the blues
I'm the spark that makes your idea bright the same spark that lights the dark so that you can know your left from your right
I am the ballot in your box the bullet in the gun that inner glow that lets you know to call your brother "son"
The story that just begun the promise of what's to come and imma remain a soldier til' the war is won
By Word Life