Terror of the Toadmen!

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400 Toad Swamp (8,9) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Kill 50 Swamp Toadmans
  3. Go to Toad Swamp (8,9)
  4. Kill 100 Swamp Toadmans
  5. Return to Start


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You wander through the murky, dank swamp. It feels like you are being watched by hungry eyes. You are surprised when you hear a voice calling you.

You follow the voice and are again surprised when a small village appears from the mist. A village Elder appears to be the person calling you.

You cautiously approach the Elder. \'What can I do for you Old One?\' you say. He looks up at you and replies \'You have the look of a Warrior. We are in dire need of help. Are you willing to help a poor swamp community?\'

The Elder visibly sags with relief. 'During this time of year, when the Evil Spirits are at their strongest, the Toadmen rise up and assault the village with massive numbers. We have been repelling them but our numbers are thinning due to just how relentless the Toadmen are. We are experiencing a lull just now and this would be the time to counterattack but we are too few. Can you help us?'

You return to the village with a fine Tally of dead Toadmen. You meet the Elder. \'Have you thinned then number of Toadmen down?!

You tell the Elder about how many Toadmen you have destroyed and he frowns. 'That's not many. I fear you underestimate the number of these monsters that inhabit these swamps.' He is about to continue when you hear a commotion behind you. More Toadmen are charging the Village! The Elder wails when he sees them but you turn and tell him to return to his people and tell them to hide. You'll deal with this!

You stride purposefully toward the onrushing horde, loosening you muscles with practiced sweeps of your weapon.

The Elder sees this and whispers to himself in awe \"Like a Warrior from the Old Tales!\" He turns to help his people hide, a glimmer of hope in his heart!

You break into a run and leap among your foes who reel from the unexpected counter attack. You must destroy them all!

After an arduous fight, you see off the last of the foul Toadmen. A hard fight but you've had worse. As you clean you weapon the Elder approaches you and you see disbelief and joy in his eyes. Never have I seen one person stand against so many and prevail! You don't even appear to be out of breath! It shames me that we have nothing of import to give you as a reward. The only thing we have spare is an old farmers Scythe.' You smile at him and gently tell him you require no reward but if they insist, you will take the scythe as you may find use for it. Well, you can take the scythe and we can offer you a bed and a hot meal. We cannot thank you enough for delivering us from Evil during this dark time of year!' You receive 'Poor Farmers Scythe' and 1,053,362 Xp.