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guild_date=January 2007|
guild_date=January 2007|
guild_founder=[[Iseult]], [[Akita1]], [[InsaneLord]], [[Mac26]], [[Dragon1329]],[[wallyb2]]|
guild_founder=[[Iseult]], [[Akita1]], [[InsaneLord]], [[Dragon1329]],[[wallyb2]]|
guild_leader=[[slipknot84]], [[Raven1329]], [[thonlara]], [[martrand]], [[lightmen94]], [[ViCoC]], [[khoh]], [[2om]], [[QuaBules]], [[bj2rex]], [[usaman31]]|
guild_leader=[[thonlara]], [[martrand]], [[khoh]], [[2om]], [[QuaBules]], [[bj2rex]], [[usaman31]]|
guild_allies=[[The Holy Hand Grenades]], [[Sinfully Guilty]], [[Forsaken Kings]], [[Charles Bronson Fan Club]], [[Dragonmancers]], [[WiccaD]], [[The Order of Knights]], [[Helping Hands]]|
guild_allies=[[The Holy Hand Grenades]], [[Sinfully Guilty]], [[Forsaken Kings]], [[Charles Bronson Fan Club]], [[Dragonmancers]], [[The Order of Knights]], [[Helping Hands]]|

Revision as of 04:22, 26 May 2012

The Number Of The Beast
Founded: January 2007
Founder(s): Iseult, Akita1, InsaneLord, Dragon1329,wallyb2
Leader(s): thonlara, martrand, khoh, 2om, QuaBules, bj2rex, usaman31
Allies: The Holy Hand Grenades, Sinfully Guilty, Forsaken Kings, Charles Bronson Fan Club, Dragonmancers, The Order of Knights, Helping Hands
Enemies: none
Fallensword Page: http://www.fallensword.com/index.php?cmd=guild&subcmd=view&guild_id=6108
Recuiting: Minimum Level 150, active, mature, team players
This page is a guild page. It is generally considered unethical to edit guild pages unless you are a member of that guild, or have permission from a member/leader of that guild.

The Number of the Beast

Light does not exist, apart from Darkness..


About the Guild

We offer: buffs, advice, camaraderie, and the use of more than 800 pieces of guild tagged gear from levels 50 to 1200 including gvg, hunting, and arena items.

We recruit: minimum level 150, active, mature, team oriented people.

Recruits under level 150 can join, but may need to have their own gear available.
Recruits under level 100 must have access to their own gear.


XP Based Rank Assignments:

Dark Disciple: new members over level 150 up to 500,000 xp
Acolyte of War: over 500,000 up to 1 million xp
The Devils Advocate: over 1 million xp up to 2 million xp
Fire and Brimstone Dark Beast: over 2,000,000 XP
Necromancer of Apocalypse: over 3,000,000 XP
Battlemage of Torment: over 6,000,000 XP
DreadLord of Chaos: over 10,000,000 XP
Psychedelic NightScreamer: over 15,000,000 XP

Other Ranks:

BUY your own rank name at 20,000,000 xp
Pick your own rank name at 30,000,000 XP
be advised you must stay active to retain your custom rank name.
Trial Member: typically members who join under level 150. show us what you can achieve in a week.
We require ACTIVE in this guild: get your butt in gear & get a level or you will be kicked out. 1 week notice.
Learn the Rules: typically this is your last warning before you are kicked from the guild.
Retired from Hell with Honor: Members who have achieved over 20 million xp to the guild.
EPIC: Members who have achieved over 100 million xp to the guild.
Legendary: Members who have achieved over 50 million xp to the guild.
Lord of the Crypt: retired guild leaders.
Defender of the Crypt: retired guild founders.

Guild Rules

We are a team. To enable us to get along like a team we have a few dealing with other people rules that must be followed at all times:

  • BE POLITE: Using words like 'hello', 'please', and 'thank you' are common courtesy. Members will be kicked out of the guild if they are rude, unpleasant, or harassing to others.
  • BE ACTIVE: Inactive players will be kicked from the guild. To maintain active status use your stamina to hunt xp at least once a week. LEVELING IS MANDATORY: we require at least one level per week for anyone under 30 million xp to the guild.
  • BE PREPARED TO JOIN GROUPS: Join every group unless the member creating it specifically says not to.
  • Know and follow the game rules.
DO NOT beg for fsp or gold or items. Ever.
DO NOT swear, curse, or use language you would not use in front of your seventy year old nun aunt in chat.
DO NOT use multiple accounts. If we catch you we report you to HCS.
  • DO NOT attack any member of a guild ally or disrespect allied guild members. Ever.
  • DONATIONS: we don't require specific mandatory donations but we do expect everyone to help support our guild structures.
All items, gold, and fsp donated to the guild are guild property & will not be returned even if you leave.
some few members are required to provide Akita with fully forged beer and crispy snacks when requested.
DO NOT ask for buffs you can cast on yourself. Ever.
DO NOT ask for buffs you don't need. Be specific about what you need: 'buffs please' is not specific. 'buff me baby' is also not specific and if used toward certain female members of the guild will result in getting kicked from the guild.
  • DO NOT recall equipped gear from active members. Ever. Active = has been online within 7 days.
  • ALWAYS return [shared gear] to the guild store before you go offline.
  • READ THESE RULES & KNOW WHAT THEY ARE - seems simple but yes we require you to do this.

Shared Gear

Shared Gear is a short list of items that are available for all guild members to use. We require this gear be in the store before you go offline. Ignoring this rule will result in you finding a new guild to call home.

Our Shared Gear List:

Ormarr's Set
Nuryns Set
Sekhs Set
Brides Set
Destroyer Set
Ivars Set
Arthfaels Set
Alvars Set
Astral Spine Set

Our Shared EPIC list:

Ridged Legion Breastplate
Bladed War Gauntlets
Tsukiyaomos Benighted Helm
Fuvayus Vortex Stone
Amulet of the Seraphim
Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps
Ring of Red Death
Krimson Kardic Helm
Ogaliths Fiery Grasp
Writhing Ward
Deepwater Choker

Shared Gear is available to recall if you go offline for more than 20 minutes. We expect all members to follow shared gear rules or leave the guild.

Guild vs Guild

We are not currently active in starting GVG conflicts. We do participate in incoming conflicts if we can force the attacking guild to miss. Our Rules for GVG:

  • ASK FIRST before joining GVG.
  • ALWAYS look before you hit. The easiest way to force a miss is to buff a target while someone's attacking.
  • ALWAYS pay attention to GVG if you are active in PVP: if you attack someone on the bounty board that is in a guild with conflict active it WILL count as joining the conflict. One miss = we lose.

REMEMBER: Each conflict lasts for 24 hours so there's no reason to rush into an attack unprepared. Our best chance to win is to think things through properly.

If you are in the guild & interested in participating talk to Akita, Dragon, Insane or Iseult; we are actively looking for people interested.

We do not currently pay for gvg wins; we also do not charge for gvg losses.


There are a number of people out there who consider attacking people for attention and the joy of stealing gold the most fun they've had in years. Do yourself a favor & realize this is part of the game.

There are also guilds that not only allow thievery but encourage it then back & protect their members quite zealously. They are not afraid of losing 5 levels and could care less what you say or do in retaliation to an attack.

We do not support PVP players. If you are attacked as retaliation for your own PVP attack or from you hitting someone on the bounty board you are on your own. If its an ally you're out of the guild.

If you leave more than 50k gold on hand expect to get attacked for it.
If you have more than 100k gold on hand expect to get attacked for it as soon as you go offline.
All of us are concerned about protecting and keeping our own gold. If you haven't figured out a way to protect it PM Dragon or Raven and we will tell you our little trick.
  • If you are attacked contact with your attacker should always be courteous. If you want your gold back ask nicely. Remember your actions reflect on all of us.
  • If you are attacked 3 or more times from the same person and have the logs to show then send them to Dragon1329 and he will help set up a de-level party on the attacker.You must have been hit 3 or more times. 1-2 hits you should set up your own bounty and post it if you wish but allies will not be notified. If you get hit more than that from the same person contact myself or a guild leader. Save your LOGS! Keep copies in your note book.

Do yourself and the guild a favor and wear an offline attack or defensive set, this is easy to come by as most common items you find during your hunt will yield good defensive numbers. If you need help finding gear - ASK - several of us are always willing to help.

Allied Guilds

The Holy Hand Grenades
Charles Bronson Fan Club
Sinfully Guilty

  • We Agree there will be NO attacks on any of their guild members from either PvP or GvG: The only exception to attacks are if you are asked to complete a bounty on a member & After bounty is complete sending back gold that was stolen not lost.
  • We Agree to share info on bounties posted on the board.
  • We Agree to send info on kicked/banned members and why?
  • Relic attacking is exempt from the Alliance and can be taken or attempted to be taken at any time without notifications.
  • Each ally will list each other in their guild history and/or website upon signing of the Alliance and remain there for the duration of the Alliance.
  • Absolutely NO recruiting from each others guild. Manners and Respect report any guild member from our guild that breaks the rules.

Forsaken Kings

  • We Agree there will be NO attacks on any of their guild members from either PvP or GvG: The only exception to attacks are if you are asked to complete a bounty on a member & After bounty is complete sending back gold that was stolen not lost.
We agree the penalty for breaking of this rule is 3fsp compensation per attack.
  • We Agree to share info on bounties posted on the board.
  • We Agree to send info on kicked/banned members and why?
  • Relic attacking is exempt from the Alliance and can be taken or attempted to be taken at any time without notifications.
  • Each ally will list each other in their guild history and/or website upon signing of the Alliance and remain there for the duration of the Alliance.
  • Absolutely NO recruiting from each others guild. Manners and Respect report any guild member from our guild that breaks the rules.

The Order of Knights

  • Bounties (Bounty Parties): As allies, we wil notify each other of bounties. This means that if we place a bounty on the board, we will notify our allies so they can participate in the bounty. If we are placing the bounty for purposes of deleveling a player, our allies will help with 100 stam hits, and will use only 9 attacks so the bounty stays up as long as possible. If it is just a general bounty, then they have the option of how much stam to use.
  • Bounties (our members): If any of our members are on the bounty board, our allies agree to use only 10 stam hits. The person taking the bounty has the option of returning gold. It is up to the individual player. We will do the same. This is the one exception allowed for the rule that prohibits attacks on members of allied guilds.
  • Attacks on members - We will not attack the members of any of our ally guilds. We expect the same in return. In the event this happens, it is expected that all gold stolen gets returned, and compensation for lost XP gets returned as well (at a cost of 10 gold per point of xp lost). The gold will be given to the player who lost gold and/or experience points.
  • GvG - As allies, we will not enter into GvG competitions with each other.
  • Relics: Relics held by allies are fair game for attack.
  • Kicked members - If a member of our guild is kicked, we will notify our allies of the name of the kicked player AND the reason why they were kicked. We expect the same in return from our allies. Additionally, if there is a known scammer on the boards (stealing buffs, gold, etc), then we will notify our allies of this fact, and expect the same in return.
  • Buffing: We are under no obligation to buff our allies for free. It is up to each individual member to buff when requested by allies. Some may give free buffs, some may give discounts to their posted prices, and some may charge full price. This is up to the individual buffer.
  • Gear: We do not share our gear with allies.
  • VIOLATIONS: If an allied guild violates any of these terms, we have the right to terminate the alliance immediately.
If a member of an allied guild violates these rules and hurts any of our players, we will hit that player with a delevel party. The Druids Keep protects its own players, and regularly hits our enemies as retribution (they lose 5 levels). We have zero tolerance for allies that break our alliance rules.
If we retaliate against a member of an allied guild and any other member of that guild strikes back at us for our action, then we will declare an all-out war on your guild, and all your members will be subject to attack.

Helping Hands

  • Bounties (Bounty Parties): As allies, we wil notify each other of bounties. This means that if we place a bounty on the board, we will notify our allies so they can participate in the bounty. If we are placing the bounty for purposes of deleveling a player, our allies will help with 100 stam hits, and will use only 9 attacks so the bounty stays up as long as possible. If it is just a general bounty, then they have the option of how much stam to use.
  • Bounties (our members): If any of our members are on the bounty board, our allies agree to use only 10 stam hits. The person taking the bounty has the option of returning gold. It is up to the individual player. We will do the same. This is the one exception allowed for the rule that prohibits attacks on members of allied guilds.
  • Attacks on members: We will not attack the members of any of our ally guilds. We expect the same in return. In the event this happens, it is expected that all gold stolen gets returned, and compensation for lost XP gets returned as well (at a cost of 10 gold per point of xp lost). The gold will be given to the player who lost gold and/or experience points.
  • GvG: As allies, we will not enter into GvG competitions with each other.
  • Relics: Relics held by allies are fair game for attack.
  • Kicked members: If a member of our guild is kicked, we will notify our allies of the name of the kicked player AND the reason why they were kicked. We expect the same in return from our allies. Additionally, if there is a known scammer on the boards (stealing buffs, gold, etc), then we will notify our allies of this fact, and expect the same in return.
  • Buffing: We are under no obligation to buff our allies for free. It is up to each individual member to buff when requested by allies. Some may give free buffs, some may give discounts to their posted prices, and some may charge full price. This is up to the individual buffer.

Gear - We do not share our gear with allies.

  • VIOLATIONS: If an allied guild violates any of these terms, we have the right to terminate the alliance immediately.
If a member of an allied guild violates these rules and hurts any of our players, we will hit that player with a delevel party. The Druids Keep protects its own players, and regularly hits our enemies as retribution (they lose 5 levels). We have zero tolerance for allies that break our alliance rules.
If we retaliate against a member of an allied guild and any other member of that guild strikes back at us for our action, then we will declare an all-out war on your guild, and all your members will be subject to attack.

Non Aggression Pacts(Nap's)

People of Lordly Calibur

  • We Agree there will be NO attacks on any of their guild members from either PvP or GvG: The only exception to attacks are if you are asked to complete a bounty on a member & After bounty is complete sending back gold that was stolen not lost.
  • PoLC will only speak with your guild members in a respectful fashion and we expect the same in return
  • PoLC will accept your bounties free of charge after discussing with the one that has been bountied. We expect the same in return
  • There will never be bounties placed against NAP members for bounty clearing


  • We Agree there will be NO attacks on any of their guild members from either PvP or GvG

One-Hit Setups (In Progress)

The following is a list of one-hit setups. Please note that in some cases one-hit is dependent on having the right damage buffs and/or potions. Once the list of one-hit setups is complete buffs will be added as well. Sections labelled Gloves, Helm, Amulet, Weapon, Armor, Shield, Ring, Boots or Rune are areas that the guild currently does not provide gear for that level range.

Levels 15-20: Exalted Emissaries Gauntlets, Exalted Emissaries Helm, Amulet, Exalted Emissaries Mace, Exalted Emissaries Plate, Shield, Ring, Boots and Rune.

Levels 20-25: Exalted Emissaries Gauntlets, Exalted Emissaries Helm, Amulet, Exalted Emissaries Mace, Exalted Emissaries Plate, Shield, Ring, Aughisky Hooves and Aughisky Dark Pearl.

Levels 25-30: Plague Gauntlets, Pumpkin Helm, Amulet, Cobweb Sickle, Exalted Emissaries Plate, Shield, Ring, Aughisky Hooves and Aughisky Dark Pearl.

Levels 30-36: Plague Gauntlets, Pumpkin Helm, Amulet, Cobweb Sickle, Exalted Emissaries Plate, Lusika Shield, Ring, Aughisky Hooves and Aughisky Dark Pearl.

Levels 36-40: Plague Gauntlets, Pumpkin Helm, Amulet, Cobweb Sickle, Exalted Emissaries Plate, Lusika Shield, Ring of Catorn, Aughisky Hooves and Aughisky Dark Pearl.

Levels 40-50: Plague Gauntlets, Pumpkin Helm, Deathspinner Amulet, Deathspinner Slayer, Deathspinner Armor, Deathspinner Shield, Ring of Catorn, Aughisky Hooves and Aughisky Dark Pearl.

Levels 50-55: Lesser Santork Claws, Lesser Santork Hat, Golden Cockatrice Amulet, Lesser Reindeer Antlers, Golden Cockatrice Armor, Deathspinner Shield, Ring of Catorn, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of the Senses.

Levels 55-60: Lesser Santork Claws, Lesser Santork Hat, Golden Cockatrice Amulet, Lesser Reindeer Antlers, Golden Cockatrice Armor, Ghostly Stare, Ring of Catorn, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of the Senses.

Levels 60-77: Lesser Santork Claws, Lesser Santork Hat, Golden Cockatrice Amulet, Thonomoths Sword, Golden Cockatrice Armor, Ghostly Stare, Ring of Catorn, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of the Senses.

Levels 77-80: Lesser Santork Claws, Lesser Santork Hat, Golden Cockatrice Amulet, Thonomoths Sword, Golden Cockatrice Armor, Ghostly Stare, Ring of Darklore, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of Darklore.

Levels 80-90: Gloves of the Deep, Helm of the Deep, Golden Cockatrice Amulet, Hammer of the Deep, Golden Cockatrice Armor, Shield of the Deep, Ring of Darklore, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of Darklore.

Levels 90-100: Gloves of the Deep, Helm of the Deep, Golden Panthers Eye, Hammer of the Deep, Ghostly Corset, Shield of the Deep, Ring of Darklore, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of Decay.

Levels 100-110: Ogaliths Fiery Grasp, Krimson Kardic Helm, Golden Panthers Eye, Reborn Elemental Air Javelin, Ghostly Corset, Shield of the Deep, Maeves Band, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of Decay.

Levels 110-120: Ogaliths Fiery Grasp, Krimson Kardic Helm, Golden Panthers Eye, Reborn Elemental Air Javelin, Full Moon Wolf Pelt, Full Moon Lupine Eyes, Maeves Band, Golden Cockatrice Boots and Rune of Decay.

Levels 120-135: Ogaliths Fiery Grasp, Krimson Kardic Helm, Mancrusha Amulet, Reborn Elemental Air Javelin, Mancrusha Armor, Full Moon Lupine Eyes, Mancrusha Ring, Mancrusha Boots and Rune of Decay.

Levels 135-150: Ogaliths Fiery Grasp, Flaming Baron Helm, Mancrusha Amulet, Flaming Baron Sword, Mancrusha Armor, Flaming Baron Shield, Mancrusha Ring, Mancrusha Boots and Rune of Decay.

Levels 150-175: Cu Sith Claws, Vexus Royal Helm, Cu Sith Collar, Vexus Stinger Blade, Vexus Honor Scarred Plate, Cu Sith Lightning Guard, Mancrusha Ring, Mancrusha Boots and Cu Sith Rune of Command.

Levels 175-180: Cu Sith Claws, Vexus Royal Helm, Cu Sith Collar, Vexus Stinger Blade, Vexus Honor Scarred Plate, Cu Sith Lightning Guard, Samaels Void Ring, Boots of Pelacroz and Cu Sith Rune of Command.

Levels 180-200: Cu Sith Claws, Cursed Samurai Sword, Cu Sith Collar, Cursed Samurai Sword, Marpolo Armor, Cu Sith Lightning Guard, Cursed Samurai Ring, Boots of Pelacroz and Cu Sith Rune of Command.

Levels 200-225: Ferals Gauntlets, Abraxas Smoldering Helm, Inferno Hammer, Marpolo Armor, Amulet of Lezhal, Rune of Lezhal, Boots of Pelacroz, Iron Ring of Fenaz and Witches Catseye Shield.

Levels 225-235: Ferals Gauntlets, Helm of the Hunter, Inferno Hammer, Marpolo Armor, Amulet of the Hunter, Rune of Lezhal, Boots of the Hunter, Ring of the Hunter and Witches Catseye Shield.

Levels 235-245: Gauntlets of Steep Nojor, Helm of the Hunter, Amulet of the Hunter, Inferno Hammer, Breastplate of Steep Nojor, Shield of Steep Nojor, Boots of the Hunter, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu, Ring of the Hunter.

Levels 245-250: Gauntlets of Steep Nojor, Helmet of Xenix, Amulet of the Hunter, Inferno Hammer, Breastplate of Steep Nojor, Shield of Steep Nojor, Boots of Hellmoor, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu and Ring of Red Death.

Levels 250-265: Gauntlets of Steep Nojor, Helmet of Xenix, Amulet of the Hunter, Inferno Hammer, Breastplate of Steep Nojor, Shield of Steep Nojor, Ring of Red Death, Boots of Hellmoor and Glowing Diamond of Kozyu.

Levels 265-280: Ogaliths Fiery Grasp, Helmet of Xenix, Amulet of the Hunter, Inferno Hammer, Sekhs Armor, Sekhs Shield, Ring of Red Death, Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps, Glowing Diamond of Kozyu.

Levels 280-300: Ogaliths Fiery Grasp, Helmet of Xenix, Ivar Neck Piece, Ivars Flail, Armor of Shoratal, Sekhs Shield, Ring of Red Death, Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps and Ivar Rune.

Levels 300-340: Lord Valks War Gauntlet, Helmet of Xenix, Sabertooth Necklace, Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer, Armor of Shoratal, Sekhs Shield, Sabertooth Ring, Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps and Rune of Libitalia.

Levels 340-350: Lord Valks War Gauntlet, Helmet of Xenix, Sabertooth Necklace, Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer, Armor of Shoratal, Lobber Wheel Shield, Sabertooth Ring, Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps and Lobber Cog Rune.

Levels 350-380: Lord Valks War Gauntlet, Helmet of Xenix, Sabertooth Necklace, Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer, Armor of Shoratal, Octo Spine Shield, Sabertooth Ring, Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps and Octo Spine Rune.

Levels 380-400: Lord Valks War Gauntlet, Sphynx Helmet, Sabertooth Necklace, Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer, Armor of Shoratal, Octo Spine Shield, Sabertooth Ring, Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps and Octo Spine Rune.

Levels 400-470: Argus Gloves, Sphynx Helmet, Argus Eye Amulet, Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer, Argus Armor, Octo Spine Shield, Crushing Fist Ring, Argus Boots and Argus Eye Rune.

Levels 470-510: Crushing Fist Gauntlets, Sphynx Helmet, Dazmorr Amulet, Reborn Elemental Earth Hammer, Brides Crackling Gown, Doth Blade (Left), Hunters Edge and Sthenos Slither Boots, Fuvayus Vortex Stone.

Coordinated Attack/Smashing Hammer Setups (In Progress)

The following is a list of one-hit setups that can be used with Coordinated Attack and Smashing Hammer.

Levels 510-540: Crushing Fist Gauntlets, Sphynx Helmet, Dazmorr Amulet, Brides Hand, Brides Crackling Gown, Brides Meat Shield, Trillsarin Ruby Duster, Illuyankas Finned Boots and Illuyankas Serpent Rune untested

Levels 540-600: Yojimbos Gloves, Yojimbos Helm, Dazmorr Amulet, Brides Hand, Brides Crackling Gown, Brides Meat Shield, Trillsarin Ruby Duster, Illuyankas Finned Boots and Illuyankas Serpent Rune untested