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Latest revision as of 19:32, 22 September 2009

577 Floating Islands of Wu Kong (South Island) (2,12) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Gather the components and invent the Bashe Tooth
  3. Return to Start
  4. Go to Floating Islands of Wu Kong (West Island) (9,8)
  5. Gather the components and invent the Hanu Blade
  6. Return to Floating Islands of Wu Kong (West Island) (9,8)
  7. Go to Scale Temple (Gateway) (4,10)
  8. Gather the components and invent the Wolf Claw
  9. Return to Scale Temple (Gateway) (4,10)
  10. Go to Scale Temple (Cemetery) (5,8)
  11. Kill Jia Ton The Ore Dragon (Elite)
  12. Return to Scale Temple (Cemetery) (5,8)


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An old Monk stands before you asking for your help.

The Monk takes a deep breath, 'I'm from the Scale Temple. The Dragon of our Temple has been eaten by his brother Jia Ton. Knowing we would never accept this he has cast a spell on the rest of the Monks to do his bidding. To defeat this powerful dragon you must build a weapon of strong Chi. The first component is a Bashe Tooth, take this recipe to build the tooth. You receive 1 x Recipe of the Bashe Tooth

An old Monk waits for you patiently, 'Have you made a Bashe Tooth from the recipe I gave you?'

The old Scholar takes the Tooth from you gratefully, 'Thank you, I must ask your indulgence Warrior. The weapon to defeat the Dragon is not complete, there are two more ingredients needed. I hope to meet you in the Floating Islands of Wu Kong (West Island) and acquire the second ingredient.

The old Monk stands resolutely against the sadness that threatens to engulf him, 'It's good to see you again Warrior. Are you willing to help me again?'

The Scholar smiles briefly, 'That's good to hear; there are creatures called Hanu Jain Master, they have a magical blade which can cut through rock itself. Take this Hanu Blade Recipe, return to me when you have made it. You receive 1 x Hanu Blade Recipe

The old Scholar waits for you, 'Have you built a Hanu Blade?'

The Scholar takes the Hanu Blade from you, 'Thank you for this. The last ingredient is found in the Scale Temple (Gateway), I shall meet you there.'

The old Scholar waits for you in the Temple Grounds, 'Greetings Warrior, would you like to help me acquire the last ingredient?'

He bows slightly, 'May the Celestial Dragon Bless you Warrior, the honorable Temple Wolf has a strong spirit and is totally focused when in battle. Take this Recipe of the Wolf Claw to make the final ingredient.' You receive 1 x Recipe of the Wolf Claw

The old Scholar looks around with fear, 'The Temple Wolves are acting strangely I see. The Dragon's influence has grown stronger than I ever imagined in such a short time! Have you managed to make the Wolf Claw?'

The scholar takes the claw, 'It saddens me greatly that such noble beasts should have to die in this manner. They have served us well over the centuries. With these ingredients the Blade of Knowledge can be forged. Meet me in the Scale Temple (Cemetery), I have just one more task to ask of you.'

The old Scholar waits for you in the semi-darkness, 'Will you help me with the final task?'

The Scholar fixes his eyes on you, 'The final task is not an easy one. Our Temple Dragon was murdered by his brother Jia Ton. Even now Jia Ton feeds on our honored dead. His malice seems to know no end. I must further apologize, but I have not managed to make the Blade of Knowledge yet. I ask you forgiveness on this matter. Please kill Jia Ton The Ore Dragon (Elite). So that his evil will not spread any further.'

The old Scholar waits for you in silence, 'Have you killed Jia Ton The Ore Dragon (Elite)?'

The face of the Old Monk cracks in a brilliant smile. Happiness pours out of him. 'You have done us a great favor, few would have helped as you have. I have managed to craft the Blade of Knowledge whilst you were fighting Jia Ton. You truly deserve it Warrior. Peace be with you.' You receive 2,701,401 Xp + 1 x Blade of Knowledge