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Joined: Jul 12 2007
Name: ViAnBO
Medals: 1_1.gif

5_4.gif 8_4.gif 9_3.gif 14_4.gif

Guild: Terra Est Quaestosa
Allies: leopardin, kamiase, guitarro, Coatzin, jonak66, Federicus
Enemies: CondorHero, TDA (Banned =D), Bootsy83 (Banned =D)



Biography (The Fallen Sword Chronicals)

I am ViAnBo, my user is a combination of my three favorite things, Videogames, Anime and Books (capital 'o' was a mistake). I was looking for a free on-line game with a thematic of a fantasy world, with swords, monsters, etc. that my CPU were able to play it without exploding (its was an oldy CPU) and this came up, so I give it a try.

Here begins my story in the game:

It was a little hard to catch at first since I didn't know how to play, I read the tutorial and it helped me with a few things like attacking monsters and selling items in the Auction House but most things weren't too clear to me, but I kind of liked it so I continued playing. Finally at level 11-13 (don't remember exactly) I decided that I will join a guild, because they will probably help me to make it in the rest of the game, so I went to the Top 250 Guilds and try to find one with a cool name, since I can write in english pretty well, and when scrolling the page down, a picture of one of them catch my attention, it had the flag of my country (Mexico) so I thought they probably will be mexicans too, and that would make things A LOT easier, so I apply with them with a quite polite message.... in english (what the hell was i thinking!! XD). Fortunately, they knew english too and they decided to give me a chance (it didn't took them more than 5 min actually), I said hi to everyone, and the loooong journey started.

(Don't you love the stories that say too little with too much words?)

From the beginning, they activated me many buffs, I had seen them before but I didnt know what they were or how did they worked, and until level 3X I learned how they function and how to activate them. I began to climb trougth the ranks in the guild as I leveled up, and when I finally get to the highest rank a normal member could achieve, they re-organize them since there were too many in the same rank, that took me 2 ranks down, but I knew that someday I would had a special rank like the "elder members", so I just did the only thing that I could do to achieve that goal, to continue leveling up. Around level 70, once again, I reach the final ranks, and also did some other players so a new rank re-organization had to be done but this time I prevailed in the highest rank along with 2 others and I was happy about it.

When i got to level 75 I became entusiastic since I was finally be able to activate Librarian on myself but then, another member 10 levels higher than me, challenge me to catch him, his name was Narogh. He was one of the oldest member in the guild, but since he spended so much time acting like a robin hood, he was constantly deleveled, also he didnt played too often, not like me at least. At that time I still had too few stamina, near 700, Narogh had around 900 so if was gonna catch him someday, I would need more, so I started to buy FSP at the marketplace (they price was like 50k then) just one each day, that way I was putting some pressure on him so he started to spend his time more on leveling than stealing, and his gold in FSP to increase his stamina, making my goal harder to reach.

December come and with it, a 48 hrs legendary event and a new item, potions, were available. We both enjoyed killing those savage santorks and flamedeers to gather the level 50 christmas set, but he got ases below the sleeve, I kept the potions for a later use in the game but he sell them instead and obtained a great profit from them (7 FSP each!!) and since he bought more at a cheap price he could gatter 74 FSP!!. By the time I knew the price of those potions, I sell them too but kept one to myself (FI potion), thinking that they would become more valuable over time, and I was right, unfortunately, I lost it later in the mailbox because I didn't pick it on time, but with the FSP gained from the sale of the pieces of the set (I got 8 items but none complete set), I could bought a full decay set (the expensive stuff was the rune in 30 FSP the other 3 I bought them in 60k total) and 80 stamina points for a grand total of 1020 stamina points, but it wasn't enought to catch Narogh since his stamina was already in the 1400 and the level diference remained at 6.

It was January when the legendary lost of the server information ocurred, all the players information were taked back 3 days, but there were a consolation prize, 48 hrs of double experience and gold gain, and fortune smiled me again with the news of Narogh absence those days since he was going to camp in the weekend. That was my chance to catch him up!, we both usually leveled up once each day and since the diference was at 9 levels already, I made some maths and saw that at least I could get the diference at 2 but would probably be less. Everything was according to the plan, in just one day I diminished the diference 3 levels, next day will be 3 more and at the end of the event it will be 1, but as always happen, life had some surpsises, I got sick of my appendix so I had to be operated of emergency. 3 days I were hospitalized (this game isnt everything, I also have a life). By the time I go back home, the difference was 8 levels again.

February, level 140, I entered the zone of the 2-hit kill, and since Narogh entered first the diference became just 3 levels, we had the same stamina (finally) and advance at a similar rate, but he got busy with the school and didn't played for 2 days and I took advantage of it. A little days after, there were some bad issues and words that no one should said to the guild founder and Narogh got kicked, despite of that, the battle continued altought it wasn't the same atmosphere, but finally at level 158 I could proudly yell that not only I catch him, I even passed him, the competition was finally over after 88 levels of hard work and patience.

The rest isn't interesting so im not going to write it here. If you want to know more, you know where you'll find me

(Aren't you glad that its finally over?)

If you were patient enought to read all of this and you still like it, please tell me on a PM

11/Sep/09 UPDATE: And now, I'm 2 years old in the game and have reached level 400 (someone find it amazing that it could be achieved with only 1900 stamina), I'm the highest level member of the guild and I carry the guild on my back, and it's a heavy burden but I'll persevere. Somehow, I manage to resolve the issue with the guild bank getting too low, though we had to destroy 2 structures ¬_¬, it's back to normal now.

We finally obtain the Destroyer set, that we couldn't afford to buy, so we have to hunt the Malphas, and that bastard doesn't like to drop anything. I'm very thankfull with Coatzin and jonak66 for helping us to obtaining it, we missed you guys a lot.

13/Oct/09 UPDATE: And so I at last, got out of Xinderoth, the worse levels I've been in. Tha sad part is that a couple of days later I decided, along with kamiase, to leave Sangre Azteca for our good sake, the guild was sinking and it was dragging us down. Our next destination was meant to be with the White Crows, but after they completly ignored our messages for an entire week, we went with TEQ and I'm glad we did it, tha atmosphere is completly different from SA, from the chat to the day-by-day activities they are all awesome (SA chat is dead and there are no guild activities nor fun anymore). Also since I don't have to use all my gold (not even a penny!!) for the upkeep of the guild bank (the TAX is enough to keep it), I can finally upgrade my game.

I feel sorry for SA, they are working hard to keep up without us, but it seems like a lost cause to me, they just don't have enough members to keep all the structures, but I hope they can do it.


2011 Objectives

2. Obtain "Reborn Elemental Blade of Fire" before March 11th. DONE! It took me 4 hours =D
3. Increase max stamina to 8000. DONE! It took me 5 months
4. Win 50 PvP Arena tournaments. Current 20
5. Increase backpack space to 30. : Current 18
6. Get a Bounty Master medal. Current 32%

All-time Objectives

Get into monthly top 10 players. Currently in 24th
Achieve a top something medal.



Name Level Image Price
Dark Curse 175 7_b.gif 25,000 0.png
Wither 175 32_b.gif 25,000 0.png
Shatter Armor 175 33_b.gif 30,000 0.png
Deathwish 175 34_b.gif 30,000 0.png
Keen Edge 175 47_b.gif 35,000 0.png
Arterial Strike 175 49_b.gif 30,000 0.png
Death Dealer 175 50_b.gif 50,000 0.png


Name Level Image Price
Force Shield 175 27_b.gif 20,000 0.png
Unbreakable 175 28_b.gif 20,000 0.png
Constitution 175 37_b.gif 30,000 0.png
Counter Attack Up to 175 54_b.gif 50,000 0.png
Summon Shield Imp 150 55_b.gif 150,000 0.png
Vision 100 56_b.gif 50,000 0.png
Flinch 175 58_b.gif 50,000 0.png


Name Level Image Price
Last Ditch 175 23_b.gif 20,000 0.png
Animal Magnetism 175 24_b.gif 15,000 0.png
Doubler 150 26_b.gif 5,000 0.png
Conserve 175 39_b.gif 25,000 0.png
Brewing Master 175 40_b.gif 50,000 0.png
Extractor 175 63_b.gif 40,000 0.png
Buff Master 175 65_b.gif 50,000 0.png
