Guild:Romanian Sword

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Romanian Sword
Rom Sword.jpg
Founder: yughigx, vecinu
Guild Listing: Guild page
Website: Romanian Sword




Respect, Truth, Integrity and Trust.

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit!

You rarely ever hear about the people who wait to see if it can be done.

You only hear about the people who either made it or died trying.

Guild Reborn 28.11.2007


Guild Staff Ranks Other Players
  • Fallen Sword Explorer
  • Fallen Sword Monk
  • Fallen Sword Swordsman
  • Fallen Sword Griffin
  • Fallen Sword Archer
  • Fallen Sword Lancer
  • Fallen Sword Recruit
  • Fallen Sword Dead
  • on vacantion and defend relicv


Non-structure Upgrades

Non-structure Upgrades


We currently maintain the following structures

Structure Name Current Level Max Level
Health Shrine 8 20
Armory 5 20
Endurance Shrine 3 3
Thieves Guild 2 2
Weaponsmith 8 20
Temple 5 5
Shrine of Pain 4 5
Tranquil Retreat 8 12
Destructive Shrine 5 6
Pentagram 5 6
Protection Shrine 5 7
Blade Master 5 6
Bandit Camp 5 5
Awareness Training 5 5
Training Room 7 10
Sustain Shrine 3 5
Military Advisor 1 1
Fury Shrine 4 5
Guild Registrar 3 3
Inventors Laboratory 8 10


Legendary Sets

Super Elite Sets

Elite Sets

Other Sets

Other Items