Guild RP

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Guild RP, or Guild Reputation, are points awarded to the guild in guild conflicts. The points can be used to purchase guild buffs, epic items or to get promotion on the front page.

The guild's current number of points, as well as the possibility to use them are available on the Guild Reputation game page.

Obtaining Guild RP

The winner of guild conflict gets 10 guild RPs as prize.

Spending Guild RP

The following buff packs can be purchased by guild rp:

Name Cost (RP) Buffs
Battle Pack A 5 Rage, Berserk & Fortify (lvl 150)
Power Leveller A 10 Adept Learner, Librarian, Doubler (lvl 150)
Battle Pack B 15 Deathwish, Death Dealer, Wither (lvl 200)
Power Leveller B 20 Adept Learner, Librarian, Doubler, Conserve (lvl 200)
Fortune Pack A 10 Quest Finder, Merchant, Four Leaf, Find Item, Treasure Hunter (lvl 150)
Defense Pack 20 Fortify, Aura of Protection, Force Shield, Fortitude (lvl 200)
Fortune Pack B 25 Quest Finder, Merchant, Four Leaf, Find Item, Treasure Hunter (lvl 200)

It's also possible to buy promote for 1 RP which adds 4 hours front page coverage for the guild.

You can use Guild RP to purchase special items below for your guild. Note that items are delivered to your Guild Store.


Bobanarts Crystal Skull - 250 RP

Bottle of Gorgon Tears - 500 RP

Fang of Meng Zhang - 1,000 RP

See Also