Zorgrom Ogre Axe Thrower (Legendary)

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This creature is not normally available.



Ogre Axe Throwers have joined the Legion, being every ready for a good fight. These Axe Throwers have clever mechinisms that hurl multiple axes from the strange weapons they carry. These weapons are closer to siege weapons, however the Ogres heft them around as though they were light crossbows!


Name: Zorgrom Ogre Axe Thrower (Legendary)
Class: Greenskin
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 770


XP: 4,403 4,897
Attack: 2,198 2,374
Defense: 10,969 11,057
Armor: 122 216
Damage: 3,444 3,596
HP: 16,807 17,173
Gold: 229 371


Piercing Strike: 22 44
Reinforced Armor: 22 44
Critical Hit: 22 44
Breaker: 22 44
First Strike: 22 44


Axe Thrower Body
Recipe of Ogre Hide Gloves
Recipe of Ogre Throwing Axe


Ethigor City (Grounds)
Lindorik Kingdom (Thicket)
Lindorik Kingdom (Valley)
Tregdor Kingdom (Plaza)
Tregdor Kingdom (Gate to Underground)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 11,057 2,374 3,596 17,389 8,803 5,941 4,510 3,651 3,079
Target Stats: 12,222 2,624 3,975 19,209 9,719 6,555 4,973 4,024 3,392