Tolson Karnas (Champion)

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Notice You require the item 'Viper Strike Longsword' equipped to be able to attack this creature.



This Elven Vampire oversees the Blood Rite and guides the Neophytes in the journey into undeath. When the Neophytes consume a bone of the Elya Guards, Karnas gives his blood, sealing the Vampire Curse, giving a temporary boost to the newly created Vampire Apprentices. The Mark of Karnas is a token that shows the Rite has been completed correctly.


Name: Tolson Karnas (Champion)
Class: Undead
Rarity: Champion
Level: 10


XP: 42 48
Attack: 44 50
Defense: 55 60
Armor: 33 35
Damage: 20 30
HP: 35 38
Gold: 9 11


Piercing Strike: 1 5
Critical Hit: 1 5


Boots of Vinlor


Fortress of Elya (Barracks)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 60 50 30 73 54 48 45 43 42
Target Stats: 67 56 34 79 58 51 48 46 44