Lishka the Darkwater Hag (Super Elite)

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The Darkwater Hag has walked the realms for countless ages. Her spite concentrating with every passing season making her a powerful and insidious opponent. Lishka has a habit of using her enemies as playthings in her plans, which she carefully orchestrates then watches those she involves destroy themselves at her whim.


Name: Lishka the Darkwater Hag (Super Elite)
Class: Magical
Rarity: Super Elite
Level: 540


XP: 16,320 16,330
Attack: 26,074 26,144
Defense: 6,639 6,721
Armor: 6,497 6,575
Damage: 25,481 25,625
HP: 64,701 65,059
Gold: 256 344




Lishkas Befouled Essense
Lishkas Gnarled Hand
Lishkas Shriveled Heart


Dark Atholhu (Mount North)
Dark Atholhu (Mount West)
Dark Atholhu (Mount East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 6,721 26,144 25,625 71,634 39,105 28,262 22,840 19,587 17,419
Target Stats: 7,429 28,897 28,324 78,834 42,879 30,894 24,901 21,306 18,909