Dread Claw Eagle

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The Dread Claw Eagle can spot it's prey from a pronominal distance. It uses it's claws to scythe into it's chosen prey, then waits for it to bleed to death. The unwary traveller will soon find themselves a target for this deadly predator.


Name: Dread Claw Eagle
Class: Avian
Level: 462


XP: 1,318 1,464
Attack: 957 1,107
Defense: 2,473 2,589
Armor: 2,541 2,625
Damage: 3,049 3,185
HP: 9,254 9,376
Gold: 270 330


Breaker: 1 10
Nullify: 5 12
Disarm: 9 18


Amulet of Sigross
Armor of Torlin
Helmet of Nisjas
Shield of Ogthug
Sword of Grall
Boots of Noghix
Ring of Ithqwin
Rune of Mozpoll
Gloves of Krinoth


Thundersnow Valley (East)
Thundersnow Valley (South)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,589 1,107 3,185 12,001 7,313 5,751 4,969 4,501 4,188
Target Stats: 2,862 1,224 3,521 13,128 7,946 6,219 5,355 4,837 4,492