Bud Vorgid

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The Island of Vorgid is a place dominated plant life. The dominant group of plants are known as Vorgids, large carnivorous Orchid like plants that are able to move slowly around the Island looking for prey. Bud Vorgids have a orange flower but also sport buds on them that pop open when the Vorgid senses danger, releasing a cloud of pollen that is poisonous is breathed in.


Name: Bud Vorgid
Class: Plant
Level: 1415


XP: 7,497 7,511
Attack: 5,545 5,727
Defense: 11,270 11,440
Armor: 10,867 11,029
Damage: 8,186 8,282
HP: 43,231 43,589
Gold: 284 316


Piercing Strike: 16 25
Reinforced Armor: 28 55
Critical Hit: 12 20


Cursed Vorgid Seed


Vorgid Island (Nursery)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 11,440 5,727 8,282 54,618 32,824 25,559 21,927 19,747 18,294
Target Stats: 12,645 6,331 9,155 59,793 35,703 27,674 23,659 21,250 19,644