Weeping Widow

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Known in legend as the Weeping Widows, these spectral women were turned into the undead while visiting lost ones down in the Catacombs. Their ghostly forms float thought the Catacomes seeking revenge upon the living for their loss of life and loved ones.


Name: Weeping Widow
Class: Undead
Level: 398


Attack: 1,847 1,847
Defense: 2,620 2,620
Armor: 1,506 1,506
Damage: 2,033 2,033
HP: 8,058 8,058
Gold: 278 278


Critical Hit: 9 9
Nullify: 15 15
Dodge: 15 15


Amulet of Hordarjin
Armor of Bosrianti
Boots of Verilnar
Gloves of Heantor
Widows Keepsake


Catacombs of Dar GromSol
Ancient Catacombs of Dar GromSol

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,620 1,847 2,033 9,564 5,535 4,192 3,521 3,118 2,849
Target Stats: 2,896 2,042 2,248 10,493 6,040 4,555 3,813 3,368 3,071