Sticky Situation

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732 Huirvast Jungle (Thicket) (14, 2) [none]



  1. Go to Start
  2. Kill 45 Huirvast Sticklers
  3. Return to Start


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You encounter a thick wall of strange vines. You notice movement beneath the mass of vines. 'Help!' A voice calls out from within. The figure struggles, but fails to move an inch. 'I was trying to find a way around these vines when they suddenly lashed out and ensnared me. Don't come too close!' It's too late as the vines begin creeping out towards you from all around. You must fight off the Huirvast Sticklers before they ensnare you too!

The vines continue to slither out, attempting to wrap themselves around your legs. The vines begin to withdraw back into the dense undergrowth. You hack away at the vines covering the trapped figure. Several minutes later you successfully free the ensnared man. 'Thank you for getting me out of there. I thought I'd be trapped in there forever. Here, take this artifact I found while trapped within that bundle of ensnaring vines. You gain 2,568,443 and 'Huirvast Artifact'.