Magma Beast (Champion)

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Magma Beasts are ancient demons made from the raw power within a volcano. The Magma Beasts reside within volcanoes sleeping but sometimes they are unleashed by erupting volcanoes and they then set about terrorizing the area having been disturbed from their slumber.


Name: Magma Beast (Champion)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Champion
Level: 159


XP: 480 490
Attack: 850 895
Defense: 1,150 1,185
Armor: 850 895
Damage: 900 940
HP: 2,690 2,715
Gold: 155 165


Reinforced Armor: 45 55
Critical Hit: 45 50
Breaker: 50 55
Sustain: 30 35


Amulet of Nagerth
Boots of Faggel
Shield of Tarke
Togoras Helmet


Dokar (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,185 895 940 3,610 2,253 1,800 1,574 1,438 1,348
Target Stats: 1,310 990 1,039 3,944 2,443 1,943 1,693 1,543 1,443