Rising Threat

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Missing Info: # of Isopteran Larvae

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850 Gritloar Burrows (Hive Chamber) (4, 4) [none]



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You encounter a group of men garbed in various styles of armor. 'Your brave to wander into these burrows. Have you come to assist in slaying these insects?'

A smile emerges across the soldiers mouth. 'Great. We are mercenaries hired by the Goitha army to assist in killing the Isopteran threat. The army battalion we were attached to were slaughtered. We barely managed to escape. With your help, we should be able to defeat them all. Our first aim is to eliminate the Isopteran Larva protecting the queens lair. Return here once you've succeeded in killing enough of those Larva. Good luck!'

You arrive back at the ground of Goitha mercenaries. The lead soldier quirks a brow. 'Ah, I see you managed to survive. Impressive. Did you manage to slay those Larva?'

'Very impressive! We only managed to kill a handful. Our next target would have been the queen herself. Unfortunately due to our losses, we are not in any shape to attempt the assassination. Perhaps, with your skills, you should be more successful. Return here if you're successful in assassinating the queen. You should find the Larva protecting the queen's lair have dispersed. You should be able to access it now. You'll find the queen in there. Good luck, friend!'

You arrive back at the Goitha mercenaries. 'Did you manage to slay the queen?'

'Outstanding work! The Goitha should be greatly pleased, along with most other settlements nearby. Here, you should take this as a reward for finally eliminating the Isopteran threat.' The mercenary hands you a valuable looking rune.

You gain 3,680,417 XP and 'Rune of Zlat'.