Mercenary Rat Catcher

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The sewers of Goitha have had recent surges in the rat population and mercenaries have been employed to kill these vermin before they spread further. However fouler things are being reported by these Rat Catchers in the depths of the sewers than on the streets above, and many of the Rat Catchers are killing these creatures for extra pay.


Name: Mercenary Rat Catcher
Class: Human
Level: 835


XP: 2,926 2,936
Attack: 7,440 7,602
Defense: 1,970 2,122
Armor: 2,041 2,185
Damage: 6,006 6,098
HP: 17,426 18,044
Gold: 298 302


Nullify: 10 20
Sustain: 10 20


Amulet of Daggial
Boots of Derflaa
Rune of Viiala
Weapon of Birdial


Great Goitha Sewers (Descent)
Great Goitha Sewers (Chamber)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,122 7,602 6,098 20,229 11,207 8,200 6,696 5,794 5,193
Target Stats: 2,346 8,403 6,741 22,245 12,273 8,949 7,287 6,290 5,625