GooberNoob Bird (Game)

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The GooberNoob Bird is one of those strange animals. It has a brain the size of a grain of sand, a flight style which is ungainly at best and is generally considered to be the most stupid creature around. It shouldn't survive yet it does so.

And has the tastiest drumsticks in the world!


Name: GooberNoob Bird
Class: Avian
Level: 37


XP: 10 10
Attack: 214 356
Defense: 28 126
Armor: 2 200
Damage: 239 363
HP: 536 994
Gold: 35 39




GooberNoob Corpse


Forgotten Forest (East)
Celestial Forest (South)
Moot Forest North
Altar Forest North
Death Gorge West
Utapo Flats North

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 126 356 363 1,194 697 532 449 399 366
Target Stats: 140 394 402 1,310 760 577 486 431 394